Save our Co-op Hall!

Help us restore Ramsbottom’s hidden gem to its former glory

We need your help to reclaim the Co-op Hall as a community hub and performance venue for the people of Ramsbottom.

What's it all about?

Ramsbottom Co-op Hall, located on Bolton Street, is a unique, pre-Victorian panopticon theatre that holds a special place in our town’s history. Now listed as a “theatre at risk,” this one-of-a-kind building is in desperate need of restoration.The Ramsbottom Co-op Hall Heritage Trust—a group of passionate volunteers formed in 2021—has big plans to bring the hall back to life. We’re working to transform it into a destination theatre for live comedy, music, and plays, as well as a thriving community hub, with space for artists and a welcoming spot to enjoy food, coffee, and beer.

What can I do to help?

Although we’ve secured funds from The Theatres Trust and the Architectural Heritage Fund for feasibility reports and secured a Community Ownership Fund Grant of £300K it’s not enough to buy the building.The hall has suffered from years of neglect, and restoring its beautiful historic features will be no small task.We’re launching a Community Share Offer soon, giving Ramsbottom residents a chance to invest in its future. But right now, pledge your support to help make this dream a reality!

Pledge your support

We are hoping to raise at least £100,000 from the community to ensure we have sufficient funds to acquire the building. We are seeking pledges now to help us when we launch our community share offer later this year.When you invest in shares you’ll become a member of our society with voting rights, giving you a say on how things are done. You’ll also become an owner of the society's assets, meaning you will be a co-owner of Ramsbottom Co-op Hall. Community shares are not a donation so you can potentially receive a limited financial return and get your money back in the future.

Rasmbottom Co-op Hall Heritage Trust

To purchase and bring back into use the Ramsbottom Co-op Hall, on behalf of the community of Ramsbottom.